KYRIAD Hotel Saint-Quentin

RCS No.: 800 111 981 RCS Belfort
SIRET No.: 800 111 981 000 18
APE No.: 5510Z
SARL, capitalized at €527,500

Zone Du Bois De La Chocque
Avenue Archimède,
02100 Saint-Quentin - France
03 23 08 45 00


All elements of the website, including text, presentations, illustrations, photographs, directories, and layouts are, except public documents and additional information, the exclusive intellectual property of MELI SARL for its Kyriad Hotel Saint-Quentin and its partners. In this context, their representation, reproduction, links, distribution, and redistribution, partial or total, is prohibited, in accordance with Article L. 122-4 of the French Intellectual Property Code. Anyone doing so without being able to provide proof of the prior express consent of the copyright holder shall incur the penalties for the offense of copyright infringement under Articles L. 335-2 et. seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code. Furthermore, the representations, reproductions, links, distribution and redistribution, partial or total, of the database contained on the website are prohibited under the provisions of Act No. 98-536 of July 1, 1998 regarding the legal protection of databases. In any case, any authorized copies of all or part of the site content shall be marked "Copyright 2014".

The rates shown on this website are only an indicative value reflecting the market level at the time this documentation was drafted and the rates on paper. They are subject to change without notice. The rates charged will be those in effect on the day of check-in and cannot be in conflict with the rates listed on this site. Descriptions and rates are valid except for typographical errors.

Publication Manager
Khalid Ennaciri

Reflet Communication & Multimedia
49 Faubourg de France - 90000 Belfort - France
Tel: 03 84 22 60 39

Graphic Creation & Technical Design

Kyriad is a registered trademark. As such, any person making their representation, reproduction, links, distribution and redistribution shall incur the penalties provided for in Articles L. 713-2 and following of the French Intellectual Property Code.

Comments and suggestions
You can send comments and suggestions to the webmaster at the email address:

Data Protection Act
Pursuant to the French Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, we hereby inform you that you have a right to access, modify, correct and delete your contribution. To exercise this right, please contact:

Contact form
The information collected from people through the contact form will not be disclosed to persons other than those making up our community. However, as required by the French Data Protection Act, we hereby inform you that your answers are optional and that failure to answer shall have no particular consequence. However, your answers must be sufficient to allow us to process the information. You can also oppose the processing of data regarding you, for legitimate reasons.